
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Strong Operation Disabled by Inertia

Updated: Jan 10, 2025
In binary mechanics (BM), unconditional, scalar, vector and strong bit operations determine the exact time development of the system state, called the bit function (Eq. 2 in [1]). Unconditional, scalar and vector operations each define 1-state bit motion within one of three spatial dimensions. In contrast to these intra-dimensional operations, the inter-dimensional strong bit operation defines quanta (1-state bit) motion between spatial dimensions. This note discusses the strong bit operation and how it may be modified by a BM quantity called inertia.

Fig. 1: Strong Bit Operation
Legend: white, bit locus in 0-state; black, bit locus in 1-state. Upper: 1-state quanta in source X spot unit at t = 0 moves to destination Y spot unit at t = 1. Lower: If both source spot unit bit loci are in the 1-state (called "inertia"), transfer to the destination spot unit is blocked.

Strong Bit Operation
As an example, Fig. 1, upper, shows three perpendicular pairs of spot units in the electron spot. In the strong operation initial state (t = 0), a vacant destination bit locus in the destination Y spot unit is required (white circle). At t = 0, the source X spot unit contains the source quanta (black arrow) and a representation of the strong potential -- the adjacent 0-state locus (white circle), both required for quanta motion from the X spot unit to the Y spot unit (t = 1).

In left-handed spots (Eq. 30, Table 1 and Fig. 3 in [1]), strong quanta motion occurs in x-to-y, y-to-z and z-to-x directions, as seen in the Fig. 1 example. This within-spot spin direction is reverse in right-handed spots: x-to-z, z-to-y and y-to-x.

M and L loci in a spot unit may be called mites and lites respectively. Strong bit motion is always lite-to-mite for the electron spot and mite-to-lite for the positron spot. In contrast to these lepton spots, the six d quark spots may contain mite-mite, lite-lite, lite-mite and mite-lite transitions.

The strong mite-mite and lite-lite transitions in d quark spots change the mite-lite phase of those bit loci with respect to those participating in mite-lite or lite-mite transitions.

This lepton-quark difference may partially explain lepton and d quark behavior and challenge the theorist with choices. For example, should all four types of bit transitions be allowed in d quarks? Or alternatively, does the correct physics permit only some smaller number of the four permutations described?

The present assumption is that all four transition types in quark spots are allowed or enabled, which yields the result of the 84 tick baryon bit cycle [2]. Since two of the possible permutations occur in the electron and positron spots, the most simple choice is to allow all four of the transition permutations for the d quark spots, else some rule limiting allowed permutations would have to be added, making the process of building a universe more complicated.

Fig. 1, lower, illustrates inertia which is thought to prevent, over-ride or disable quanta motion in the strong bit operation.

With the four permutations of the two bit loci in a spot unit, each with zero or one state, inertia p is said to exist if the mite and lite bits are both in the one state (Fig. 1, lower). Thus, p = ML; = M AND L; = 0, 1 (1) where inertia is the product (or logical AND) of the M locus and L locus states in a spot unit.

Several considerations may justify this definition of inertia. The state of bit loci in adjacent spot units was used to define scalar and vector potentials [3], which raises the obvious question of the possible physical significance of the states of the two adjacent bits within a spot unit. Defining inertia may be viewed as a sort of theoretical symmetry where a potential is always defined by the state of a bit locus adjacent to the source bit locus.

In addition, inertia increases the odds that bits will exit lepton and quark bit cycles, a requirement for particle motion. That is, all particle motion is based on quanta simultaneously "emitted" by one cycle and "absorbed" by an adjacent cycle. However, strictly speaking, inertia is not the only bit pattern that favors exit from bit cycles. For example, if the bit in the destination spot unit (white circle in destination Y spot unit in Fig. 1, upper) is in the one state, the strong bit operation is also "blocked". In this situation, the bit in the source spot unit will exit the spot unit and corresponding bit cycle in the subsequent unconditional bit operation tick. This result has a similar effect to that of inertia.

Finally, the inertia label may be consistent with the result that it prevents a change in motion direction (scattering) seen in the strong bit operation.

In summary, if one of the two bit loci is in the one state in the source spot unit, strong force may evaluate to one (true). However, if both bits are in the one state (inertia p = 1), strong bit motion is disabled.

The current version of the BM simulator (HotSpot 1.21) implements the strong bit operation described above and is available for download here.

[1] Keene, J. J. "Binary mechanics" J. Bin. Mech. July, 2010.
[2] Keene, J. J. "The central baryon bit cycle" J. Bin. Mech. March, 2011.
[3] Keene, J. J. "Electromagnetic bit operations revised" J. Bin. Mech. March, 2011.
© 2011 James J Keene