
Monday, December 9, 2019

Vacuum Composition

Abstract and Introduction
Assertions that perfect vacuum and almost all of the volume of a single atom are "empty space" are questionable. In a replication of a previous simulation experiment [1] with additional analysis, perfect vacuum was defined as total energy density minus electron and nucleon particle density. Examining the entire range of non-zero energy quanta (1-state bit) densities, only about 12 percent or less of the quanta were associated with particles, indicating that perfect vacuum was composed of about 88 percent or more of quanta in the final state after cooling (Figs. 1 and 2). Threshold energy density for baryogenesis (nucleon formation) was 0.07 of maximum. In higher energy density initial states in the plasma and lepton-quark soup ranges, "explosive" centrifugal momentum leaves much lower particle and vacuum energy densities after cooling, which may be relevant to expanding universe questions.

Fig. 1: Vacuum Composition After Cooling to Zero Kelvin (Final Density)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Electron Energy Homeostasis

Abstract and Introduction
Quanta absorption by electron spots represents "quanta capture" by the electron bit cycle as described previously [1] [2]. In electron spots with E = 1 or E = 2, where E is number quanta (0 to 6), quanta absorption and emission events exhibit homeostatic properties which act to regulate or limit spot energy content. These effects are consistent with accepted models that absorption yields an excited electron state and emission represents return to a ground state. The present analysis aims to clarify the physical mechanisms in these processes.

Fig. 1: Quanta Capture by Electron Spot

Monday, March 25, 2019

Quantum Gravity Mechanisms

[Updated: November 19, 2020]
Abstract and Introduction
Analysis of energy quanta distributions among spatial objects called spots [1] [2] revealed two quantum-level phenomena relevant to gravitation: dispersion and concentration of energy quanta (Fig. 1). First, in a lower energy density range, spots with multiple energy quanta dispersed, or lost, energy which was distributed to spots with initial lower, even zero, energy content. Second, at higher energy density, spots concentrated energy more than expected by random distribution. In brief, quantum analysis of spatial distribution of energy (and/or mass) identified two mechanisms which disperse or concentrate energy probably relevant to gravitational phenomena. A third mechanism was the effect of surface temperature on gravitation reported previously [3] [4] [5] [6]. The present results further integrate gravitation and space-time-energy quantization in binary mechanics and support a multi-factor treatment of gravity-related phenomena.

Fig. 1: Spot Energy Distribution vs Energy Density

Friday, February 8, 2019

Zero Kelvin Particle Composition

[Updated: Nov 26, 2020]
Abstract and Introduction
Binary mechanics (BM) predicts the exact composition of protons and neutrons with maximum energy content but zero motion at zero degrees Kelvin. In this configuration, sequential loci in the proton and electron bit cycles are filled with alternating 0- and 1-state bits (Figs. 2 and 4) because zero motion requires absence of adjacent energy quanta pairs in the cycle sequence. Bit function analysis of particle composition after cooling to zero Kelvin completely confirms this hypothesis (Fig. 3). Results further illustrate how bit function analysis methodology may continue to support the leading position of Binary Mechanics Lab (BML) in advanced particle physics research.

Fig. 1: Spot Unit, Spot and Spot Cube

Sunday, January 6, 2019

JBinMech 2010-2018

The free on-line Journal of Binary Mechanics is now available in an archive book in both paperback and eBook formats. These publications feature larger print size on 8.5"x11" pages and an improved index.

Original scientific papers document how a little known research lab won the century-long physics grand championship race to derive basic constants from first principles of a coherent, comprehensive theory -- binary mechanics. Learn how Binary Mechanics Lab (BML) won the greatest race in physics in 100 years starting with space-time-energy quantization, upgrading from partial-to-full quantum mechanics. BML did it; big-money losers such as CERN, FermiLab, etc, did not. The exciting conclusion: seemingly "over night", BML became the leading physics lab world-wide for fundamental physics breakthroughs. First-ever derived constants include electron rest mass me, vacuum light speed c, Planck's constant h, intrinsic electron and proton spin, elementary charge e, fractional electric charge and intrinsic electron magnetic moment.

[1] Keene, J. J. "Binary mechanics FAQ" JBinMech August, 2018.

© 2019 James J Keene

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

JBinMech 2019

In 2019, the papers on the free, on-line JBinMech from 2010 to 2018 were published in an archive book "Journal of Binary Mechanics 2010-2018" [1]. As of this writing (May 24, 2021), this archive has been revised to include all the updates in the on-line version. Some authors may prefer to cite papers as chapters in the archive book rather than as internet links.

Binary Mechanics Lab (BML) also publishes videos on YouTube, Bitchute and Rumble.

Research reports recorded several significant advances:

1. In "Zero Kelvin particle composition" [2], Bit Function Analysis technology developed at BML was used to describe elementary particle composition at zero Kelvin where quanta (1-state bit loci) representing electromagnetic radiation or particle motion are absent.

2. With previous BML reports strongly suggesting that binary mechanics postulates achieve a unified treatment of both quantum and gravity-related effects, "Quantum gravity mechanisms" [3] presented further data analysis supporting a multi-factor approach to gravitational phenomenon.

3. "Electron energy homeostasis" [4] presented data analysis suggesting negative-feedback mechanisms appear to regulate electron particle energy content.

4. "Vacuum composition" [5] debunks the myth that perfect vacuum and almost all of the volume of a single atom are "empty space". Instead, the data suggest that "empty space" is literally teaming with energy quanta, even at zero Kelvin, at which about 88% or more of final state quanta was perfect vacuum energy content.

[1] Keene, J. J. "JBinMech 2010-2018" JBinMech January, 2019.
[2] Keene, J. J. "Zero Kelvin particle composition" JBinMech February, 2019.
[3] Keene, J. J. "Quantum gravity mechanisms" JBinMech March, 2019.
[4] Keene, J. J. "Electron energy homeostasis" JBinMech March, 2019.
[5] Keene, J. J. "Vacuum composition" JBinMech December, 2019.
© 2021 James J Keene