
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Intrinsic Electron Spin and Fundamental Constants

[Updated: Apr 12, 2018]
For the first time, the empirically measured value of Planck's constant h is calculated from first principles of a physical theory to the full precision allowed by CODATA values. Using the postulates of binary mechanics (BM) where both space and time are quantized [1], this report describes the key steps in this calculation and proposes values for the fundamental length d and time t constants.
(1) Bit velocity v was defined as greater than the speed of light in a vacuum c consistent with the BM constraint that v > c [2].
(2) A physical interpretation of BM space [3] suggested a proposed value for the fundamental BM length constant d as approximately 0.67 fm.
(3) d/v = t' = approximately 7.14E-25 s, the fundamental time constant in BM space-time.
(4) The fine structure constant α maps this quantized time unit t' from BM space to observational space with t = αt' = approximately 5.2124E-27 s.
(5) Intrinsic electron spin and hence the Planck constant h was calculated using only electron rest mass me and the proposed length d and time t constants.
(6) In addition to steps (3) and (4) above, another method was used to calculate quantized time t based only on me, h and quantized length d.
(7) Finally, eq. 9 calculates Planck constant h directly from the independently determined length constant d (step 2 above) and familiar physical constants.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Zero Electron Electric Dipole Moment

A previous article [1] (1) presented the hypothesis that the electric dipole moment (EDM de) of the electron equals zero, (2) cited confirmation by a London group led by Jony Hudson [2] which reported measurements, with increased precision, of de = (-2.4 ± 5.7stat ± 1.5syst) x 10E-28 e cm, an EDM not statistically different than zero with a high degree of confidence, and (3) questioned the assumption that this result implied a spherical electron shape, without any consideration that other shapes could yield the same zero EDM result. For example, Fig. 1 shows three negatively charged objects (white circles) on a plane and equidistant from the orthogonal spin axis, which rotate counter-clockwise so its magnetic dipole moment points toward the viewer.

Fig. 1: XYZ position parity 111 electron spot with hypothesized EDM = 0
Now a second independent research group dubbed ACME headquartered at Harvard has confirmed the hypothesis again with even greater precision reporting a de = (-2.1 ± 3.7stat ± 2.5syst) x 10E-29 e cm, further decreasing the probability that a small, yet non-zero EDM may be readily demonstrable [3].

Friday, January 9, 2015

Particle Up-Down Spin and Quantized Time Parity

Some consequences of time quantization in binary mechanics (BM) [1], which postulates a fundamental time unit and constant named the tick (t), are (1) precise definition of the phenomenon of electromagnetic (EM) resonance at the most elemental level possible, (2) recognition of the particle time phase phenomenon due to elemental EM resonance and (3) complete explanation of the previously mysterious quantum mechanical (QM) particle up-down spin property. These advances mark the demise of the 72-year-old up-down particle spin mystery, born with the Stern-Gerlack experiment in 1922 [2] and ending with the BM postulate of quantized time in 1994 [1]. These perhaps milestone developments illustrate failure of QM formalism to elucidate physical observations due to its obsolete assumption of continuous space-time.
Fig. 1: Elemental EM resonance from space-time quantization

Legend: Five spot units at integer coordinates form part of a spot unit channel. Each spot unit consists of a mite (circle) and lite (arrow) bit locus. 1-state bits (yellow) at T = 0 shift in the lite direction (right) in unconditional bit operations (T = 1, 2, 3).

Thursday, January 1, 2015

JBinMech 2015

Several themes applying binary mechanics (BM) postulates were pursued in 2015:

1) Derivation of basic physics constants from BM first principles included zero electron electron dipole moment (EDM) [2], Planck's constant h and hence intrinsic electron spin [3], intrinsic electron magnetic moment [4] and vacuum light velocity c [8].

The four time-development bit operations are key BM first principles and the Binary Mechanics Lab Simulator (BMLS) applies them to a selected initial system state (bit function) [16]. Light velocity c was demonstrated to approximate V/π, where bit velocity V = L/T and L and T are BM primary length and time constants respectively. Thus, constant light speed c was promoted from Einstein postulate to derived value.

2) Predictions of BM first principles were confirmed by other labs including zero electron electron dipole moment (EDM) [2] and non-spherical proton shape [5]. Also, predicted opacity of absolute vacuum was confirmed in simulations [8].

3) More "unsolved physics mysteries" moved to the "solved" category including a full account of particle up and down spin as a function of quantized time phase factors [1] and anomalous electron magnetic moment as effects of intrinsic electron 1-state bits affecting measuresments or in other words, basically a measurement artifact [4].

4) Pillars of out-dated, incomplete, partial quantum mechanics continued to crumble with debunking of "up-down" spin [1], demonstration of a non-zero proton electric dipole moment (EDM) [6], description of the Higgs field, requiring obsolete continuous space-time theory, as a primitive version of elementary particle spot architecture in BM [7] [9], spurious Standard Model math used to justify use of classical continuous space-time theory instead of energy-space-time quantization in BM [14] and debunking the Bell inequality violation myth [17].

5) Preceding step 4 ("we win"), Mahatma Gandhi's step 2 ("they laugh", ridicule) and step 3 ("they attack") became evident [15].