
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Particle Flux and Motion

Abstract and Introduction
The postulates of binary mechanics (BM) [1] and physical interpretation of BM space [2] define fluxes of 1-state bits between spot units of particles of eight elementary types. Interparticle flux sequences define all possible particle motion events. In sum, the spot cube precisely defines 1) lepton-quark transitions, 2) quark-antiquark transitions, 3) the lepton motion mechanism, 4) lepton-mediated proton motion and 5) proton motion mediated by quark-antiquark transitions (Fig. 1). These interparticle flux and particle motion events form a tree which may be extended to define all possible particle interactions based solely on first principles.

Fig. 1: Discoveries in Particle Flux and Motion Analysis

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Zero Kelvin Particle States

[Updated: May 27, 2018]
Abstract and Introduction
Related to the momentum concept, many L type 1-state bits may represent future particle motion [1]. Toward precise definition of leptons and quarks, elementary particle states were studied at zero Kelvin where particle motion is zero [2] thereby removing this momentum-related component. Results confirm previous reports [3] [4] where eight elementary particles [5] may be clearly distinguished by their specific states (Figs. 1 to 3). To further assess the effect of extreme cooling on system state, two conditions were compared: 1) zero Kelvin with zero particle motion and 2) a greater energy density with higher temperature and particle motion (Figs. 4 and 5). These data provide specific event detection criteria which may be incorporated in system state time-evolution and analysis software.

Fig. 1: Summary: Elementary Particle States at Zero Kelvin