
Sunday, November 1, 2020

Binary Mechanics Postulates

[Updated: Jan 10, 2025]
Abstract and Introduction
In "Binary mechanics", written in 1994 and published in 2010 [1], the eight-component wave function of a pair of relativisitic Dirac spinor equations of opposite handedness was parsed to define the spot cube model of space. With quantization of energy, space and time, dubbed full quantization, the spot cube provided a new system state representation, called the bit function, at a quantized time. With full quantization, infinitesimal increments in the Dirac equation pair were no longer applicable. Hence, time-development of the system state was defined in four bit operations. The postulates of binary mechanics define primary constants from full quantization and the mathematical definitions of the bit function and bit operations [2].

Fig. 1: Spot Cube Model of Space

Binary mechanics postulates were based on a pair of relativistic Dirac spinor equations of opposite handedness. Recall that this Dirac equation pair led to the discovery of the positron, the anti-particle of the electron. This pair is an 8x8 matrix equation where the time-evolution of a system state at every point in space has 8 complex components, known as a complex 8-vector. The 8x8 matrix is the Dirac spinors. In a remarkable development, James S. Hughes [personal communication, 1993] showed that the 8x8 spinor matrix is equivalent (by a rotation) to a representation of the 8 vertices of a spatial cube. Therefore, each component of the complex 8-vector time-development result might represent events at one vertex of this cube. In plain English, Hughes showed that physical events previously thought to occur at a single point in space might in fact be a set of 8 different events at adjacent spatial points, the cube vertices. Further, for Hughes, space consisted of a cubic lattice of these cube objects.

This Hughes model raised the question of cube size. The author then presented a full quantization of energy (expressed in kg), space (length) and time, namely quantization of the units of measurement in physics [1]. The subsequent first-ever derivation of so-called fundamental constants from first principles resulted in determination of the three primary constants for the units of measurement used in physics [2].

In reverse-engineering the universe, a complete, comprehensive theory (often called a "theory of everything") requires mathematical definition of two and only two items: the system state and its time-development (system state change over time). Complete expression of these two items mathematically is required for many reasons. For one thing, one can examine if two competing theories are the same or different when expressed in their irreducible representations, and if different, exactly what the difference is. In addition, precise mathematical definition of terms like "particle", "field", "force", etc, avoids confusion.

Full Quantization
Expression of the Dirac equation pair in binary form begins with the postulates that energy, space and time are each quantized. These three postulates may be mapped to the units of measurement in physics, namely mass M (energy in kg), length L in meters and time T in seconds, called the primary constants [2]. Comments: If binary mechanics is complete, these primary constants, along with the system state and time-development definitions suffice to represent fully any known physical system and its dynamics over time.

Subsequent work revealed two distinct contexts for the term "mass": (1) the energy unit M above and (2) mass value in Newton's force = mass x acceleration, especially for larger particles such as the proton [3].
System State Definition
Spot Unit Let the two positive real components of the complex amplitude for a spatial point in a quantum mechanics wave function correspond to a pair of bits residing at a location of finite size (Fig. 1). The phrase spot unit designates the spatial volume occupied by this bit pair in one dimension. The two bits in a spot unit, M and L, named the mite and the lite respectively, are restricted to the values or states of zero or one to quantize energy (Eq. 1). M, L = 0, 1 (1) In sum, a bit locus is a size L cube, where L is the primary length constant, and may contain no more than one energy quanta defined as a bit locus in the 1-state or a "1-state bit". The spot unit contains two bit loci.
Comments: Given the success of the Dirac equation in description of electron behavior, full quantization avoided discarding information such as the presence of two real components, x and y, in the complex amplitude (Fig. 1). Spot A spatial frame, Si, i = 1, 2, 3, is chosen with position in S expressed by integer coordinates, Si, as in a cubic lattice. Spot unit bit loci M and L are oriented parallel to an axis of Si at each coordinate location {S1, S2,S3} called a spot (Fig. 1). That is, a spot is a three-dimensional assembly of three spot units. The bit function or bit state, B, consists of these six bits -- the M and L bits in each of three spot units in a spot (Eq. 2). Bi = Mi, Li = 0, 1; i = 1, 2, 3 (2) Bit function B may include any number of spots and is the binary mechanical analog to the quantum mechanical state vector (wave function). A quanta (1-state bit) represents the fundamental energy unit. Comments: The volume occupied by a spot is (2L)3, where L is the primary length constant in meters, containing eight size L cubes. However, the spot defines only six of these as functional bit loci (Fig. 1).

Subsequent work determined that the bit function represents both position and momentum simultaneously [4], vastly superior to the legacy quantum mechanics wave function which is now essentially obsolete due to its incomplete representation of system state.
Spot Cube Spot parity P, for spatial dimension i in S is Si modulo 2 (Eq. 3). P(Si) = Si modulo 2 = 0, 1; i = 1, 2, 3 (3) Let X, Y and Z denote these parities at an interger spot coordinate in S: X = P(S1); Y = P(S2); Z = P(S3) (4) Hence, spots are characterized by three parities, one associated with each dimension in S (columns in Table 1).

Considering x, y and z dimensions in S as a cyclic ordered set, let I, J and K represent the three parities for a spot unit oriented along a particular dimension. Thus, for dimension x, I = X, J = Y and K = Z. For dimension y, I = Y, J = Z and K = X. Finally, for dimension z, I = Z, J = X and K = Y.

Considering the orientation of a spot unit, omitting subscript i, the substrate for electric and color charges is a sign function of I parity in S associated with M loci (Eq. 5). sign(M) = (-1)I = +1, -1 (5) M loci associated with negative and positive signs are termed nits (-M) and pits (+M) respectively. Electric and color charge properties of M quanta depend only on spot location (Appendix A). Nits occur in odd I parity spot units; pits occur in even I parity spot units.

Let ascending and descending values of spot coordinates, Si, be right and left respectively. The substrate for handedness is a sign function of K parity in S associated with L loci (Eq. 6). Positive and negative L locus sign indicates right and left respectively. sign(L) = (-1)K = +1, -1 (6) L locus sign is considered to represent the physical order of M and L loci in a spot unit, shown in Table 1 and Figs. 1 - 3. For spot units with K = 0, the L locus (+L) is to the right of the M locus. With K = 1, the L locus (-L) is to the left of the M locus. The right or left L locus position in a spot unit is said to point in the spot unit direction or L locus direction.

Table 1: Spot Lattice Components and Results
Comments: Since M and L may not assume negative values, the sign functions in eqs. 5 and 6 pertain to relative bit loci positions and associated physical properties. For each dimension i, four variations of spot units occur (Table 1, Fig. 2): right or left, each with a positive or negative charge attribute. The spatial arrangement of spot unit bit loci is listed in Table 1 in the rows labeled Bx, By and Bz for the eight permutations of the three parity values XYZ, where x, y and z denote one of three spot units and B components are products of sign functions (Eqs. 5 and 6) with corresponding B spot unit loci (Eq. 2). For reference, the B rows are the complex representation of B.

This system state definition immediately yields important results (Table 1). As detailed in Appendix A, each spot position in the spot cube corresponds to an elementary particle and associated physical properties. Particle charge Q is the (sum of sign(Mi))/3. Particle handedness H is the product of the three sign(Li) values. Particle color charge is also completely defined by position parities X, Y and Z.
Time-Development Definition
With full quantization, infinitesimal increments in the Dirac equation pair were no longer applicable. Hence, time-development of the system state was defined in four bit operations, unconditional, scalar, vector and strong, each specifying possible quanta motion from a bit locus to an adjacent locus, a distance L in one tick of duration T. Therefore, in each tick, bit velocity V could be L / T or zero, where L and T are the primary length and time constants.

Fig. 2: Bit Operations Examples

1. Unconditional Bit Operation. The unconditional bit operation of the time-development equations of binary mechanics represents a bit shift in the spot unit direction (Fig. 2) and may be expressed as L(t=1) = M(t=0) = 0, 1 (7)

M(t=1) = Lx(t=0) = 0, 1 (8)
where t is the time tick and Lx is the adjacent lite in the preceding spot unit, with reference to lite direction, pointing to the M and L spot unit, allowing omission of position subscripts. In computer terminology, lite Lx is analogical to the "carry bit" from the bit shift in the preceding spot unit.
Comments: In one tick, mites produce lites within spot units and lites produce mites in the next spot units in the lite direction. In Eqs. 7 and 8, the M and L loci states at t = 1 do not depend on their t = 0 states.

It might be said that in one tick, mites "radiate" lites and lites "materialize" as mites. At this level of fineness, the radiation-absorption coupling constants equal one, and hence, are not explicitly written in Eqs. 7 and 8. Indeed, in all four bit operations, the coupling constants equal one. Hence, "coupling strength", such as the alpha coupling constant, pertains more to proportions of selected bit operations in a larger spatial volume in a time interval, since each quanta motion is exactly distance L in time interval T, where L and T are the primary constants.
Electromagnetic Forces Each face of the spot cube includes countercurrent pairs of parallel spot units pointing in opposite directions. Each of these spot units also are adjacent to concurrent spot units pointing in the same direction in adjacent spot cubes (Fig. 1 - 3). Bit loci in concurrent and countercurrent spot unit pairs have inverse J and K parities respectively, associated with each spatial dimension (eq. 4).

Fig. 3: Concurrent and Countercurrent Spot Unit Pairs

Lateral interactions between concurrent and countercurrent spot units mediate scalar bit operations between spot cubes and vector bit operations within spot cubes respectively (Fig. 3). Detailed truth tables for the scalar and vector bit operations were presented previously [5].

2. Scalar Bit Operation The classical scalar potential Φ is quantized by the presence of a concurrent M quanta, MJ, which has the attribute of electric charge, Φ = MJ = 0, 1 (9) omitting position subscript i, where MJ is in the adjacent concurrent spot unit in the same S dimension i with respect to M. That is, if MJ is in spot unit I1K, then M is in spot unit I0K, and vice versa.

Thus, the electric potential field is the M quanta distribution in a spatial volume.

Let e equal the electric charge attribute of a M quanta. Lateral interaction of quanta electric charge and the scalar potential, eΦ, corresponds to the product of concurrent M loci states, again omitting position subscript i, eΦ = MMJ = 0, 1 (10)
Since M and MJ are both located at Si with the same I paritiy, the charge signs are always the same and thus can be disregarded.

If eΦ equals one (true) at t = 0, the M quanta moves to the L locus in its spot unit if that locus is in the zero state (empty), as shown in Fig. 2. Omitting subscript i, Scalar F = MMJ(1 - L) = 0, 1 (11) where (1 - L) is a 0-state L locus and equals logical (NOT L). Eq. 11 defines the scalar force F as the product (or AND function) of three values: a source 1-state bit (M), a potential (MJ) and a 0-state (empty) destination locus (1 - L), as tabulated in Fig. 5, lower. If all three components are true (1), Scalar F is true and the source quanta M moves to the destination locus L within a spot unit. Comments: The physical result is always dispersion of like-signed charges. At the microscopic fineness of M loci, the scalar potential Φ consists of three spatial components, which is a new result of binary mechanics. Unlike legacy field theories which attempt to calculate a potential at every point in continuous space-time, the scalar potential occurs only in M loci with energy quanta. 3. Vector Bit Operation In the classical treatment, vector potential A describes a magnetic field attribute. In countercurrent spot units, the vector potential component A is A = LK = 0, 1 (12) omitting subscript i for A and LK, where K designates the L locus in the adjacent countercurrent spot unit.

Hence, this magnetic field is the L quanta distribution in a spatial volume. Lateral interaction of a LK quanta with an adjacent countercurrent M quanta (q), qA = MLK = 0, 1 (13) results in quanta motion from M to L loci, if empty, in a spot unit, as shown in Fig. 2.
Vector F = MLK(1 - L) = 0, 1 (14) Omitting subscript i, eq. 14 defines the vector force F as the product (or AND function) of three values: a source 1-state bit (M), a potential (LK) and a 0-state (empty) destination locus (1 - L), as tabulated in Fig. 5, lower. If all three components are true, Vector F is true and the source quanta M moves to the destination locus L within a spot unit.

4. Strong Bit Operation A quanta may move from a spot unit in one spatial dimension i to a spot unit in another dimension in the strong bit operation [6]. As the spot and spot cube spatial objects in Fig. 1 illustrate, these spot unit pairs and quanta transitions occur only within spots.

Fig. 4: Strong Bit Operation Example
Legend: white, bit locus in 0-state; black, bit locus in 1-state. Upper: 1-state quanta in source X spot unit at t = 0 moves to destination Y spot unit at t = 1. Lower: If both source spot unit bit loci are in the 1-state (called "inertia"), transfer to the destination spot unit is blocked.

As an example, Fig. 4, upper, shows three perpendicular pairs of spot units in the electron spot. In the strong operation initial state (t = 0), a vacant destination bit locus in the destination Y spot unit is required (white circle). At t = 0, the source X spot unit contains the source quanta (black arrow) and a representation of the strong potential -- the adjacent 0-state locus (white circle), both required for quanta motion from the X spot unit to the Y spot unit (t = 1).

The three requirements in the example above for quanta motion in the strong bit operation define the Strong force F: Strong Fi = Bi(1 - Bi*)(1 - Bd) = 0, 1 (15) where Bi is the source quanta in a dimension i spot unit, (1 - Bi*) is the strong potential (0-state of the other source spot unit locus i*) and (1 - Bd) is the 0-state destination locus in the adjacent spot unit in dimension d within a spot. Strong F implements a simple interdimensional quanta transition, which is the mechanism of the strong force. Comments: The 0-state bit as the strong potential representation is a 1-bit neutrino constituent (Appendix B). Let inertia p = ML = M AND L = 0, 1. If p = 1 as shown in Fig. 4, lower, the strong bit operation is blocked, i.e., strong F = 0, false. In other words, the strong potential is equivalent to (1 - p) = NOT p [6].

Further, when p = 1, the unconditional bit operation in the next operations cycle (eq. 17 below) moves a quanta from one spot to another, which is the mechanism for all particle motion. Subsequent studies have demonstrated that the bit function (system state) represents both position and momentum information [4]. In sum, a bit function may contain inertia events, which explicitly assert that momentum information is represented.
To express position subscripts for spot unit pairs within a spot in the general case, let n = 1 + (i modulo 3); p = 1 + (n modulo 3); n, p, i = 1, 2, 3 (16) where n and p specify the next and the previous dimensions respectively for a dimension i in the cyclic ordered set. Hence, destination locus subscript d in eq. 15 may be n or p. The i-to-n quanta motion is x-to-y, y-to-z and z-to-x in space S, and occurs in left-handed spots such as the electron (H = -1, Table 1). The reverse i-to-p direction of quanta motion, x-to-z, z-to-y and y-to-x, occurs in right-handed spots such as the positron (H = 1, Table 1).

The limit that a quanta may move only distance L during one tick T determines the loci, M or L, affected in both the source and destination spot units in each spot unit pair. Comments: There are four permutations of interdimensional quanta transitions: L to M, M to L, M to M and L to L. Comparison of matter and antimatter spot types (Table 1) has revealed a real-time mechanism for matter-antimatter asymmetry due to differential action of the strong force in present system state time-development [7].
Fig. 5: Mathematical Description of Bit Operations

Mathematical Definition of Fundamental Forces Fig. 5, lower, tabulates the three components required for each of three fundamental forces [8]. Comments: The unconditional bit operation quantizes the momentum components in the Dirac equation pairs. In contrast, the scalar, vector and strong bit operations each define an independent force. "Discovery" of a new force would require adding an additional row to the table. Bit Operations Order Application of the four time-development bit operations in different orders produce different results. That is, the operations do not commute. Hence, one and only one order can be physically correct, presently thought to be SUVF where S, U, V, F are the scalar, unconditional, vector and strong bit operations respectively [9]. Eq. 17 summarizes the change in the bit function B (system state) after one cycle of bit operations in the SUVF order: B[t=4] = F(V(U(S(B[t=0])))) (17) at initial (t = 0) and final (t = 4) states, and assuming each operation requires one tick T to implement. Comments: The duration of these ticks is assumed to be the primary time constant T. That is, sequential application of the four bit operations completes one operator cycle, which defines the Tick (with capital T) unit of duration 4T used in the Binary Mechanics Lab Simulator v2.8.

In contrast, the scalar and vector bit operations are apparently simultaneous in Maxwell's equations and the Lorentz force, which may tell the reader all one needs to know on why these equations may fail at more microscopic distances and time intervals. Not only do the S and V operations fail to commute, they are separated by an unconditional bit operation in the SUVF order.

Each quanta (1-state bit locus) represents a unit of energy. Energy conservation occurs in all four bit operations which conserve quanta number.
If binary mechanics postulates defining system state in the bit function (eqs. 1 - 6) and its time-development (eqs. 7 - 17) are complete and correct, then they are a comprehensive physical theory which suffices to represent fully any known physical system and its dynamics over time. Any exception would imply the postulates are incomplete or incorrect to some extent.

Fig. 5, upper, cross-tabulates a conventional classification of physical forces with the binary mechanics bit operations, highlighting several key advances: 1. The purported electromagnetic force maps to two bit operations -- scalar and vector.
2. The unconditional and strong bit operations entirely account for color confinement [10] [11].
3. The unconditional bit operation produces so-called weak interactions which therefore do not qualify as evidence for a fundamental force [12].
4. The four bit operations appear to produce gravity-like effects, suggesting that gravity is a derivative, not primary, force [13].
5. In summary, use of supposed particle interactions to define fundamental forces has failed to produce clear, consistent results and lacks scientific merit.
Binary mechanics postulates defined by eqs. 1 to 17 suggest many front-page headlines and stories:

Physicists Discover Fatal Defect In Quantum Mechanics Wave Function
"The Schrödinger and Dirac wave equations for the electron including electromagnetic components contain a boatload of fundamental constants: Planck's h, vacuum light speed c, elementary charge e and electron rest mass me. 'The problem is that these so-called constants are in fact the greatest body of unexplained measurements in physics', an anonymous source at CERN said. 'Therefore, our wave equation results simply add more unexplained observations to the picture. Fortunately, the bit function does not depend on any of these unexplained data and is superior to the wave function.' ..."

Binary Mechanics Bit Function Defeats Quantum Mechanics Wave Function 2 To 1
"In the arena of the physics community, the binary mechanics bit function team delivered a stunning defeat of the quantum mechanics wave function team. Experts explained the historic bit function win. The wave function players could only represent position or momentum, but not both simultaneously. But the bit function team had overcome this limitation and..."

The Universe Is Not As Stupid As Previously Thought
"For decades, quantum theorists worked on a 'dumb universe' theory which asserted a so-called 'position uncertainty' principle that the universe does not know where its particles are. Now Binary Mechanics Lab has debunked the dumb universe theory, which served to hide ignorance of the theorists, not the universe, regarding locating particle position..."

Binary Mechanics Lab Wins Century-Long Physics Grand Championship Race
"Binary Mechanics Lab has reported the first-ever derivation of so-called fundamental physical constants from first principles, known as the binary mechanics postulates. There was not even a close runner-up. In a classic deer-in-headlight response, losing big-money labs, such as CERN and Fermilab, and leading university physics departments had no immediate comment as they scramble to examine why they lost the greatest race in physics in the last 100 years..."

Homework assignment:
Your Headline Here
"Your Story Here"

Appendix A: Spot Physical Attribute Definition
Three spot attributes are highlighted in Table 1: (1) spot electric charge Q, (2) spot handedness H and (3) spot color charge. These attributes appear to map the eight components of the Dirac equation pair to a set of eight elementary particles: the electron, three down (d) quarks and their anti-particles.

1. Spot Electric Charge
Spot electric charge Q is defined as the sum of M locus signs in a spot, which depend on spot position parities (eq. 4). Q = (1/3) ∑ sign(Mi) = ±1, ±1/3; i = 1, 2, 3 (18) Table 1 lists the binary mechanical results for spot electric charges with Q = +1 and -1 for the positron and electron spots respectively and with Q = +1/3 and -1/3 for d anti-quark and d quark spots respectively, which agree with accepted values. Hence, each spot corresponds unambiguously with the lepton and d quark particle and antiparticle assignments in Table 1.

2. Spot Handedness
Spot handedness H is the product of spot L locus signs: H = sign(L1)sign(L2)sign(L3) = ∏ sign(Li) = +1, -1; i = 1, 2, 3 (19) where H = +1 for right-handed (R) one-spot particles, and H = -1 for left-handed (L) one-spot particles (Table 1).

3. Spot Color Charge
The exclusive-or logical function of pairs of spot unit parity values I, J and K, may be written as the parity (eq. 3) of the sum of two parity values and used to define spot color charges. r or g = P(I + J);
g or b = P(J + K);
b or r = P(K + I); r, g, b = 0, 1 (20)
where r, g and b are the red, green and blue color charges respectively and I, J and K are parities of spot position Si (eqs. 4). The color charges are the exclusive-or of the parities of a sequential pair of spatial dimensions in the cyclic ordered set (eqs. 20).

Eqs. 20 may be combined to uniquely define color charges. r = P(I + J)(1 - P(J + K));
g = P(J + K)(1 - P(K + I));
b = P(K + I)(1 - P(I + J)); r, g, b = 0, 1 (21)
Using spot unit parities from eqs. 20 with subscripts from eqs. 16, eqs. 21 may be summarized in one expression: Ci = P(Ii + In)(1 - P(In + Ip)) = 0, 1; i, n, p = 1, 2, 3 (22) where i = 1 for red, 2 for green, 3 for blue.

Since I parity in each dimension i defines mite sign (eq. 5), eq. 22 states that a non-zero color charge Ci occurs when mites Mi and Mn have opposite sign (Ii not equal to In) and Mn and Mp have the same sign (In equal to Ip). If mites Mi, Mn and Mp all have the same sign, as in the lepton spots, all three color charges, Ci, are zero.

The resulting Ci values in a spot cube consist of four mutually exclusive color charge states: red, green, blue and none. Each of the four color charge states, including the none state, is mapped to a pair of particle-antiparticle spots at solid diagonal loci in the spot cube (Fig. 1). The parity functions in eq. 22, then, map position Si to position Ci in a "color" space.

Table 1 and Fig. 1 show these results, which correctly assign non-zero color charges to d quarks and zero color charge to electrons and positrons. The product of color charge, Ci, and handedness, H, displayed in Table 1, provides the conventional association of anticolor charges with antiparticles.

Substitution of eqs. 4 in eq. 22 emphasizes this definite relation between color charges, Ci, i = 1, 2, 3, for red, green and blue respectively, and spatial dimensions i in S. If i = 1, C1 = P(P(S1) + P(S2))(1 - P(P(S2) + P(S3))) = 0, 1 (23) the red color charge, C1, is clearly a function of the parities of spot position Si in the three spatial dimensions.

Appendix B: Some Binary Mechanical Expressions
Quantity            Logical (True = 1)      Algebraic
Bit Loci            M, L                    M, L
Scalar Potential Φ  MJ                      MJ
Vector Potential A  LK                      LK
Inertia p           MI and LI               MILI
Strong Potential F  not p                   1 - p
Neutrino vM         not M                   1 - M
Neutrino vL         not L                   1 - L
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[10] Keene, J. J. "Proton and electron bit cycles" JBinMech April, 2015.
[11] Keene, J. J. "Proton structure 3D animation" JBinMech May, 2020.
[12] Keene, J. J. "Weak force boondoggle" JBinMech January, 2016.
[13] Keene, J. J. "Quantum gravity mechanisms" JBinMech March, 2019.
© 2020 James J Keene